Ian McKenzie Scholarships Awarded

Over 70  scholarships have been awarded to date.  Due to the COVID pandemic most face to face conferences were cancelled  in 2021  and only one award was presented in person.  Now conferences are restarting in 2022, the Fund looks forward  to receiving applications  again.

202/21 awards including:

Dr Jessica Severe. Tackling taboo and menstruation poverty in rural Uganda; a primary research study’. Presenting at Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology World Congress.

Dr Rebecca Lissman. Feminist Virtue Ethics and The Abortion Debate. Presenting at Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology World Congress.

Dr Amanda Gilbert. Using written information to improve the care of young people who self-harm. Presenting at the Paediatric Mental Health Association Annual Meeting.

Dr Varathagini Balakumar. Variation in coeliac disease management in specialist paediatric gastroenterology centres across the United Kingdom – a 2019 service snapshot. Presenting at the
BSPGHAN Annual Conference 2020.

Dr Kirstie Lau. Parental views of the frenulotomy service in Torbay Hospital, South-West England. Presenting at the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry Congress.

Dr Laura Doherty. Anxiety and chest pain: A chicken and egg situation – Case study. Presenting at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) Annual Conference 2020.

2019 awards including: 

    Dr  Harry Heath. Hospital at Day’ F1 ward cover list: the impact of embedded staff cultures on effective change. Presenting at Next Generation Leaders Conference, Taunton
    Dr Julian Elston. Impact of “Enhanced” Intermediate Care located in a Health & Wellbeing Hub at the Integrated Care Organisation (ICO) in Torbay and South Devon, UK.  Presenting at 19th International Conference on Integrated Care, Spain
    Susan Martin. Using a novel approach, the researcher in residence model, to evaluate system sustainability. Susan Martin. Presenting at Microsystems Festival, Sweden
    Dr Daniel Paul ‘Iron’ing out the creases: A service evaluation of the real-world efficacy of a pre-operative oral and intravenous iron pathway in a UK District General Hospital for patients undergoing elective primary and revision hip and knee arthroplasty.  Presenting at 20th Annual NATA Symposium, Berlin

2018 awards

    Dr Max Charalambox – Foundation year 1 doctor attended the ISICEM international symposium on intensice care and emergency medicine conference to present the following report; A Beri Beri bad heart – a case report
    Dr Mark Williams – Core Surgical Trainee attended the British Hip Society Annual Conference conference to present the following report; Is inadvertent hypothermia in elderly hip fracture patients associated with increased readmissions and mortality?
    Dr Kirsten McArthur – Foundation year 2 doctor attended the Diabetes UK Professional Conference to present the following;
    The occurrence of hypoglycaemia during the management of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state (HHS) using fixed rate and variable rate intravenous insulin therapy according to Joint British Diabetes Societies (JBDS) guidelines
    Dr Michael Ng – Trust Doctor Fellow attended the ASiT national conference to present the following; Rates of Inadvertent Hypothermia in elective hip and knee Total Joint Arthroplasty
    Kerrie Spicer – Extended Scope Diabetes MSK Podiatrist attended the Malvern Diabetic Foot Conference to present the following;Torbay Skellen Tool for Assessing Suitability for Offloading in Diabetic Patients – An pioneering method for reducing foot ulceration
    Dr Megan Fernandes – Foundation Year 1 Doctor attended the Swansea Perinatal Symposium 2018 to present the following;
    Feasibility of implementing the Sepsis Risk Calculator (Kaiser Permanente) in an English DGH: A 7-year case-control study
    Dr Chris Jefferies – Academic F2 – Clinical Education / Emergency Medicine attended the Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME) Annual Scientific Meeting to present the following; Student evaluation of a sepsis e-learning package designed by undergraduate medical students
    Dr Kerrie Richardson – Paediatric registrar  attended the 4th international Neonatology Association Conference to present the following; Provision of Non-invasive Respiratory Support during Neonatal Transport: A Cross-sectional Survey across the Neonatal Units in England
    Dr Clare Perkins – Core Surgical Trainee (year 1) in ENT attended the BACO International conference to present the following; Imaging and fine needle aspiration cytology in parotid gland tumours
    Dr Oliver McLaren – ENT Registrar attended the BACO Otolaryngology conference to present the following; Reducing ENT emergency-clinic follow-up rates with improved induction and supervision & the difference in topical therapies following cautery: type and duration
    Dr Megan Harty – F1 Doctor attended the Society of Devon Intensive Therapists Annual Meeting to present the following;he prevalence of qSOFA positive patients at Torbay Hospital.
    Dr Rebecca Dyar – Core trainee in Anaesthetics attended the (Association for Medical Education in Europe) Conference 2018 to present the following;Quality improvement events as accessible, adaptable and diverse learning platforms’
    Rhoda Allison – Consultant Physiotherapist in Stroke attended the Upper Limb Stroke Rehabilitation Summer School to present the following; Developing self-care resources for people with profoundly affected arm after stroke, he longitudinal profile of disability, and predictors of difficulty caring for the profoundly-affected arm post-stroke
    Rachel Rapson – Clinical Manager Children and Learning Disability Physiotherapy Teams attended the NICE Shared Learning Awards conference to present the following; Delivering family-focused multi-disciplinary care for children with spasticity
    Charlotte Stanley – GPST1  attended the BMJ Leaders in Healthcare conference to present the following;The Academic Foundation Programme in Healthcare Leadership and Management – Recommendations based on trainee experience
    Helen Whitmore – Core Trainee in General Surgery attended the AUGIS 21st Annual Scientific Meeting to present the following;Iatrogenic oesophageal submucosal tear with subsequent intramural dissection: a case report